Well-Being Week

All the children recently enjoyed a week of focusing on their Well-Being in Nun’s Cross! Each class found creative ways to try and explore the various different areas of well being.

We thought about the things that we are grateful for. Some things that we are grateful for might be big things, but we also talked a lot about the little things that we are very grateful for too! Senior infants gathered their thoughts and made gratitude chains as a visual representation of all they are grateful for.

Each classroom designed a well-being themed door to their classroom with the children taking the lead in the design and creativity.

Each class found ways to demonstrate how important it is to cooperate with others. A wide range of cooperative games and activities happened throughout the school and we all learned that things can be much easier, and always more fun, when we work together!

Helping our community is helpful to our own individual well being too! We extended our efforts to our community to help by doing a litter pick from our school to the village! We collected lots of rubbish and we disposed of it properly, helping to keep our local environment clean. We also took some time to think about the people in our community who might be a little lonely this January and we made Happy New Year cards to send to them.

We learned about healthy eating and how important it is to ensure that we are eating a healthy and balanced diet. We had some fruit tasting sessions in school during the week to help encourage us all to try new things!

We hope that all the children picked up some well being ideas that they can practice for the rest of the year!