Sock Bubbles

The children in 4th and 5th class had lots of bubbly fun this week blowing bubbles! But not just any old bubbles, sock bubbles!

The looked at how bubbles are formed using general liquid soap and water. The liquid soap spreads out with the water and helps the water to form a structure. Then their teacher introduced socks and asked the children to predict what they thought would happen if they tried to blow a bubble through the sock. Most children predicted that the bubbles would pop when they contacted the fabric so they decided to put it to the test!

Each child attached a sock to the end of a plastic bottle and soaked it in the liquid soap and water solution. When the children blew into the sock, lots and lots of small bubbles were created.

We discovered that the bubbles were each created between the tiny holes in the fabric of the sock and they all stuck together making a much stronger structure than a single bubble. We were able to challenge each other to see who could make the longest sock bubble and had loads of fun!